Form Of Business Organisation

 1.The most popular form of business organisation is:

a) Sole proprietorship
b) Company
c) Partnership
d) Joint Hindu Family business


Answer: A) Sole proprietorship


2. The form of business organisation which is specifically found in India is:
a) Sole proprietorship
b) NGO
c) Cooperative society
d) Joint Hindu Family business


Answer: D) Joint Hindu Family business


3. Cooperative Societies are compulsorily registered under which of the following Act:
a) The Companies Act, 2013
b) The Cooperative Societies Act, 1922
c) The Indian Contract Act, 1872
d) The Cooperative Societies Act, 1912


Answer: D) The Cooperative Societies Act, 1912


4. How many types of Cooperative Societies are there:
a) 5
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8


Answer: C) 6

5. Satish lost his job during the Covid-19 pandemic now he wants to start a business of his own in his hometown, Satish had limited finance available with him and he does not want many legal formalities to start a business, suggest Satish which forms of business organisation he should go for:
a) Partnership
b) Sole proprietorship
c) Joint hindu family business
d) Cooperative society


Answer: B) Sole proprietorship


6. Which of the following forms of business organisation has limited liability to his members:
a) Partnership
b) Company
c) Sole proprietorship
d) Joint Hindu Family business


Answer: B) Company


7. Minimum number of members required to form a public company is:
a) 12
b) 1
c) 7
d) No limit


Answer: C) 7


8. As per The Companies Act, 2013, a public company is defined as:
a) A company which is not a private company
b) A company which has restrictions on the transferability of its shares
c) A company which is prohibited from issuing shares to the public
d) A company which has limited the number of its members upto 200


Answer: A) A company which is not a private company


9. Amit is performing a business activity in which he enjoys all the profits and bears all the risk alone, which type of organisation do you think Amit is running:
a) Partnership
b) Company
c) Sole proprietorship
d) Joint stock company


Answer: C) Sole proprietorship

10. A is running a retail shop of grocery items under the sole proprietorship form of business, A’s son wants him to expand the shop and deal in other types of goods as well but A does not agree with his son’s plan. Do you think that A’s son can execute his plan without A’s consent?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Yes but after completing a few legal formalities
d) None of these


Answer: B) No


Forms of Business Organisation MCQ

11. Which of the following is a demerit of a partnership firm:
a) Unfair distribution of profits
b) Unlimited liability
c) Limited managerial ability
d) Dominance of one partner


Answer: B) Unlimited liability


12. Harish was a sole proprietor and was running a retail shop of gift items. Unfortunately, due to an accident Harish died, due to which his business also came to an end. Which feature of the sole proprietorship is applied here:
a) No separate entity
b) Lack of business continuity
c) Sole risk bearer and profit recipient
d) None of these


Answer: B) Lack of business continuity


13. Which type of organisation is not bound to show its accounts to anyone:
a) Company
b) Partnership
c) Sole proprietorship
d) Cooperative society


Answer: C) Sole proprietorship


14. Sense of accomplishment is present in which of business organisation:
a) Partnership
b) Company
c) Joint Hindu Family business
d) Sole proprietorship


Answer: D) Sole proprietorship

15. Pooja is engaged in a business of clothes. She has to manage all the tasks related to the business alone and because of her weak marketing skills and knowledge her business is not making profits up to her expectations. Pooja’s business is a ________ form of business organisations:
a) Joint Hindu Family Business
b) Sole proprietorship
c) Partnership
d) Cooperative society


Answer: B) Sole Proprietorship


16. The Indian Partnership Act, 1932 defines Partnership as:
a) The relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of the business carried on by all or any one of them acting for all.
b) The relation between persons who have agreed to carry on business activities together.
c) The relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of the business carried on by all of them together.
d) None of these


Answer: A) The relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of the business carried on by all or any one of them acting for all.


17. The partners of a partnership firm have unlimited liability, this means that:
a) Partner’s personal assets cannot be used for repaying the firm’s debt
b) Partner’s personal assets can be used to repay the firm’s debt/liability
c) Partners will enjoy unlimited profits
d) Profit is distributed according to the amount of their capital contribution.


Answer: B) Partners’s personal assets can be used to repay the firm’s debt/liability


18. A, B and C together made a donation of Rs.60,000 to an organisation called Smart Healthcare Club. Can this contribution be called as partnership:
a) Yes
b) No
c) Yes, if the amount contributed by A,B and C is equal
d) None of these


Answer: B) No


19. Which of the following is not an advantage of a partnership firm:
a) Secrecy
b) Ease of Formation and Closure
c) Limited liability of members
d) More funds


Answer: C) Limited liability of members

20. Ram, Shyam and Kavi were in a partnership firm. Kavi wants his son to enter into the firm, Shyam agrees to this but Ram does not agree to Kavi’s intentions. Can Kavi bring his son to the partnership firm even if Ram does not agree
a) Yes
b) No
c) Yes, but after completing certain legal formalities
d) None of these


Answer: B) No


Forms of Business Organisation MCQ Class 11 Business Studies

21. Possibility of conflicts is a limitation of which type of business organisation:
a) Sole proprietorship
b) Partnership
c) Company
d) Joint Hindu Family business


Answer: B) Partnership


22. How many types of partners are there:
a) 5
b) 7
c) 6
d) 2


Answer: C) 6


23. Partner who does not take part in the day to day activities of the business is a ________ partner:
a) Active
b) Dormant
c) Secret
d) None of these


Answer: B) Dormant


24. Partner who does not contribute to the capital neither takes part in the management of the firm but still he/she is liable to pay the firm’s debt because they are considered to be a partner of the firm in the eyes of a third party:
a) Dormant
b) Nominal
c) Active
d) Partner by estoppel


Answer: D) Partner by estoppel

25. On the basis of duration partnership are classified into:
a) Partnership at will and particular partnership
b) General partnership and limited partnership
c) Long partnership and short partnership
d) None of these


Answer: A) Partnership at will and particular partnership


26. In a limited partnership, the liability of at least one partner is _______ while of other partners is _______:
a) Limited; unlimited
b) Limited; general
c) General; unlimited
d) Unlimited; limited


Answer: D) Unlimited; limited


27. Document that is made during the formation of a partnership is:
a) Partnership agreement
b) Partnership deed
c) Partnership registration
d) Partnership document


Answer: B) Partnership deed


28. Which of the following is not mentioned in the partnership deed:
a) Name of the firm
b) Duration of business
c) Method of solving disputes
d) Amount of profit and losses


Answer: D) Amount of profit and losses


29. It is ________ for a partnership firm to get registered:
a) Mandatory
b) Optional
c) Necessary
d) None of these


Answer: B) Optional

30. Which of the following is a consequence of not registering the partnership firm
a) A partner cannot file a suit against the partner or the firm
b) A partner cannot file a suit against third parties
c) Firm cannot file a suit against any of its partners
d) All of these


Answer: D) All of these


Forms of Business Organisation MCQ

31. A partnership firm can be registered under:
a) The Partnership Act, 1932
b) The Indian Contract Act, 1872
c) The Partnership Act, 1994
d) The Partnership Act,1922


Answer: A) The Partnership Act, 1932


32. The Joint Hindu Family business is governed by which of the following laws:
a) Hindu law, 2002
b) Hindu Undivided law, 1994
c) Hindu Family law, 1965
d) Hindu Succession Act, 1956.


Answer: D) Hindu Succession Act, 1956.


33. The person in the Joint Hindu Family business who carries on the business and is the head of the family is called the _______:
a) Karta
b) Director
c) Sole proprietor
d) Head of the business


Answer: A) Karta


34. All members who have equal ownership rights over the property of an ancestor are known as __________:
a) Family members
b) Coparceners
c) Business Partners
d) Heirs of the Business


Answer: B) Coparceners

35. The liability of the Karta is______, while that of the other members is _______:
a) Limited; unlimited
b) Unlimited; limited
c) Limited; limited
d) Unlimited; unlimited


Answer: B) Unlimited; limited


36. Can a minor be a member in a Joint Hindu Family business:
a) Yes
b) No
c) Partially yes
d) Yes, if all the members make an agreement of entering him/her


Answer: A) Yes


37. Which among these is a merit of a Joint Hindu Family business:
a) Limited managerial skills
b) Disputes among the members
c) Effective control
d) Limited resources


Answer: C) Effective Control


38. Which of these is a limitation of the Joint Hindu Family business:
a) Unlimited liability of all the members
b) Limited managerial skills
c) Delay in decision making
d) Lack of public confidence


Answer: B) Lack of managerial skills


39. Can a minor be entered into a partnership firm
a) No
b) Yes
c) Yes, but by mutual consent of the partners and only to share profits
d) None of these


Answer: C) Yes, but by mutual consent of the partners

40. ________ is an example of a cooperative society in India
a) Amul
b) Infosys
c) Wipro
d) All of these


Answer: A) Amul


41. Which of the organisation has a feature of separate legal entity from its members:
a) Company
b) Cooperative society
c) Sole proprietorship
d) Both A and B


Answer: D) Both A and B


42. The main motive of a cooperative society is:
a) To earn profits
b) To provide service to its members
c) To inculcate a habit of savings among members
d) To cooperate and work as a team with members


Answer: B) To provide service to its members


43. Why does the cooperative societies has a merit of government support:
a) Because these societies exemplifies the idea of democracy
b) Because these societies are formed for the welfare of the members
c) Because these societies help in the development of the country
d) Because government wants to increase the number of such societies


Answer: A) Because these societies exemplifies the idea of democracy


44. How does the Cooperative societies raise its capital:
a) By issuing shares to its members
b) By issuing shares to the public
c) By getting donations
d) None of these


Answer:A) By issuing shares to its members

45. Which of the following is a limitation of a Cooperative society:
a) Unlimited resource
b) Government Control
c) Complexity in formation
d) Delay in decision making


Answer:B) Government Control


46. ________is formed to protect the welfare of farmers:
a) Producers cooperative society
b) Consumers cooperative society
c) Farmers cooperative society
d) Marketing cooperative society


Answer: C) Farmers cooperative society


47. Gokuldham society is made by a group of people in which these members are able to construct/buy houses at reasonable cost. This is an example of:
a) Cooperative credit society
b) Marketing cooperative society
c) Cooperative housing society
d) Producer’s cooperative society


Answer: C) Cooperative housing society


48. The chief managing body of a company is:
a) Board of Directors
b) Shareholders
c) Debenture holders
d) All of these


Answer: A) Board of Directors


49. A private company is one which:
a) Limits the number of members
b) Restricts the transferability of shares
c) Prohibits the public to subscribe to its securities
d) All of these


Answer: D) All of these

50. Common seal of a company acts as its:
a) Official signature of the company
b) Signature of the Board of Directors
c) Signature of the promoters
d) Signature of the CEO


Answer: A) Official signature of the company


Forms of Business Organisation MCQ

51. A company being an artificial person can:
a) Enter into contracts
b) Can sue the third party or its members
c) Can be sued by its members or any other third party
d) All of these


Answer: D) All of these


52. Which of these is a merit of a company:
a) Quick decision making
b) Lack of secrecy
c) Professional management
d) Ease of formation


Answer: C) Professional management


53. Priyansh formed a private company named ABC pvt ltd. After the death of Priyansh the company continued its operations because of its_______ feature:
a) Common seal
b) Limited liability
c) Artificial person
d) Perpetual succession


Answer: D) Perpetual succession


54. ________ are the real owners of a company:
a) Shareholders
b) Board of directors
c) Promoters
d) Employees


Answer: A) Shareholders

55. The process for forming a Joint Stock Company is:
a) Complex
b) Easy
c) Easier than sole proprietorship
d) Easier than Partnership


Answer: A) Complex


56. Reliance Industries is a _______ company:
a) Private
b) Public
c) Subsidiary
d) NGO


Answer: A) Private


57. A company named Tech pvt ltd wants to issue its shares to the general public. Can the company do so:
a) Yes
b) Yes, after taking permission from the government
c) Yes but there will be a few restrictions
d) No


Answer: D) No


58) The limit of maximum number of members in a public company is:
a) 100
b) 200
c) 500
d) There is no limit of maximum number of members in a public company


Answer: D) There is no limit of maximum number of members in a public company


59) Minimum number of members required to form a private company is:
a) 5
b) 3
c) 2
d) 4


Answer: C) 2

60) Aman wants to start a business which requires good managerial skills. Which type of business organisation do you think Aman should form:
a) Sole proprietorship
b) Company
c) Joint Hindu Family business
d) Cooperative society


Answer: B) Company


Forms of Business Organisation MCQ Class 11 Business Studies

61) Which of these types of partners does not participate in the management of the firm:
a) Sleeping partner
b) Partner by estoppel
c) Partner by holding out
d) All of these


Answer: D) All of these


62) A _________ partner contributes to the capital but does not participate in the management:
a) Active
b) Dormant
c) Partner by estoppel
d) Partner by holding out


Answer: B) Dormant


63) Partners who do not share profit or losses:
a) Nominal partner
b) Partner by estoppel
c) Partner by holding out
d) All of these


Answer: D) All of these


64) _______ type of partner have unlimited liability:
a) Active
b) Sleeping
c) Nominal
d) All


Answer: D) All

65) Unlike sole proprietorship and partnership, a company has large financial resources and therefore there is a scope for________ of the company:
a) Earning more profit
b) Expansion
c) More recruitment
d) None of these


Answer: B) Expansion


66) The most inexpensive way of starting a business is:
a) Sole proprietorship
b) Partnership
c) Company
d) Cooperative societies


Answer: A) Sole proprietorship


67) Ajay wants to start a business in which the initial cost required is the least. He should go for a:
a) Company
b) Cooperative society
c) Sole Proprietorship
d) Joint Hindu Family Business


Answer: C) Sole proprietorship


68) Minimum number of directors required in a public company is____and in a private company is_____:
a) 7; 2
b) 3; 2
c) 1; 1
d) 10; 5


Answer:  B) 3; 2


69. Binod wants to start a business organisation but he is afraid that in case the assets of his business fall short of repaying the liabilities, his personal assets could also be used to repay the liabilities. Suggest Binod which form of business organisation he should start so that his fear comes to an end:
a) Partnership
b) Sole proprietorship
c) Company
d) Joint Hindu Family Business


Answer: C) Company

70) A company is created by ______ and only ______ can bring an end to its life:
a) Law; law
b) Promoters; law
c) Shareholders; promoters
d) Directors; promoters


Answer:  A) Law; law


71) Is it compulsory for a private company to have index of members:
a) Yes
b) Partially yes
c) Partially no
d) No


Answer: D) No


72) The continuity of a company is stable because of:
a) Separate legal entity
b) Perpetual succession
c) Common seal
d) Artificial person


Answer: A) Separate legal entity


73) Minimum number of members required to form a cooperative society is:
a) 5
b) 4
c) 10
d) 1


Answer: C) 10


74) In case of running a Joint Hindu Family business there must be at least _____ members in a family.
a) 6
b) 4
c) 2
d) 8


Answer: C) 2


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